k, so im not actually that good at taking pics but i do try anyways lmao. if she knew i was taking them it would be a lot easier. sometimes i just see her and i want to save the moment, though, cuz she acts so cute. i need one of those national geographic cams so i can take a good pic from far away
ive also got some screenshots and stuff im gonna drop here. i feel like i cant keep these on my phone cuz it would be really awkward if someone else ever saw them on my camera roll, like if i was showing my mom something and she started swiping. so i lay em to rest here

after work one time and she saw a cat. so cute i wished i couldve gotten closer but i wouldve scared the cat off, and maybe her too :/

the detergent im trying to buy; hers. still looking :'/

this is from when i was triyng to give her back her wallet. she was super stressed out and i felt terrible, but it worked out in the end, and was my first time speaking to her

note for me :p

from when i found that yearbook; her grad pic. i have the pics of her in her clubs too but i really dont want to risk the reverse image search on that, i think this pic is tilted enough that you couldnt reasonably do that but if i do that for the other ones its worthless to even have them up cuz u can barely see her.

at the coffee shop before work one time :) this was the time i tried to figure out her order but the barista couldnt remember it by the time i got up to the front of the line. really unfortunate, i wanted to try and buy her a cup.

i flipped it and took the faces out so i dont think itll show up on any search engines. fingers crossed. but, this is one of my favorite pics despite the fact that her friend is in it. shes making a cute scrunched up face, which i usually think looks dumb on girls, but its different for her

im pretty sure this earring is hers but i cant be certain so i ended up leaving it behind. if it was, i couldnt even return it because she'd think it was super weird i even noticed it was hers. unfortunate.